Old family photos are some of your most treasured possessions. Unfortunately, time is not always kind to the prints that document our past. Using the latest software and techniques, karlfranz.com is able to bring back to life your fondest memories and give them a new look so that they may be shared with many generations to come. Below is an example of the magic we can do.

The photo below shows an original, un-restored scan of an old photo with, tears, wrinkles, and fading.


This next photo show the major flaws in the original picture repaired. Notice that the canvas-like "texture" and the sepia toning of the original picture were removed in order to perform accurate restoration. Also, the missing areas have been recreated and the wrinkles have been removed.

In this next picture, the original canvas texture has been re-created to add realism to the picture.

Finally, sepia toning has been added to match the original picture and give it that "old photo" quality.